Website Optimization & Web Design

The Framework For Your Business Website

Your business website is a tool to grow your business.

It’s the main way to communicate with your customers in our digital age. And with so many devices, it’s imperative that your site looks good everywhere. But design is more than visual appeal.

When a potential customer visits your website, they must quickly feel like they know, like and trust you. If a user doesn’t like your website, they’ll leave in a matter of seconds.

A website that makes your value proposition easy to find is the key.

Here’s the other specific things your site needs:

  • A Clear Value Proposition: Customers don’t care about features. They want to know how you solve a specific pain point to make their life better. There’s a place to share details about how your offer works, but first they want to trust you.
  • Easy to Use: Simplicity is like gold. The more complex your site is the more time it takes for the user to get to know you. Your site’s user experience needs to be responsive and straight forward.
  • A Simple Way To Get Your Offer: Clearly state the simple steps to get your offer. Focus on the main elements and give them a roadmap to get there.

Strategy to Create a Business Website

Computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone

How to Make a Successful Website for Your Business

A successful website is one that combines the elements of design for a clear value offer.

A high performing website sets you apart as an authority in your industry. Customers will buy from you if they trust you. Your website will convert higher with a long term strategy to serve your audience.

The first step is to ensure that your brand, content and messaging are aligned. As a general rule, consistency helps develop trust. Making your user experience responsive will take that consistency to the top.

Here’s the three main factors of a successful website:

  1. Speed & Usability: Users expect your site to load fast and provide an easy means to find what they’re looking for.
  2. Responsive across devices & screens: With the wide variety of devices and screen sizes, your users expect a high quality experience no matter how they access your site. 
  3. Results are easily measured and improved: Reviewing results for your website is an ongoing task. Following up with meaningful updates and improvements based on the results will ensure that your customers continue coming to you.


Website Design to Rank, Engage, Convert & Grow Your Business

Your website is the bottom of your sales funnel. When visitors come to your site, they will be in one of several phases in purchasing your product or service. But you can’t get customers to the bottom of they can’t find you at the top.

Search engines are still the main way people discover information. To find you in the search rankings, your website must have quality copy and information. Your site must blend well written copy with the keywords that make your site discoverable.

These are the three keys to your :

  1. Rank: Keyword research and informative copy helps attract users based on the volume of searches. Your site becomes more visible to search engines when it’s tailored for your business.
  2. Engage: When visitors come to your website, they want an engaging story and brand that they connect with. This is one of the key factors in trust, they want to see that you really know them.
  3. Convert: People love to buy things, but they hate to be sold. Show them that you are the trusted solution and they will gladly buy. Tell them that they should buy from you and they’ll go to the place they trust.

Get Your Responsive, Search Optimized Website So Your Customers Can Find You With Ease!

Your Website Shows Customers Why You’re The Trusted Solution For Their Needs.